
Prof. Dr.

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Fakultäten » Philosophische Fakultät » Psychologisches Institut » Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Diagnostik » Prof. Dr.

Current research projects
Project leader Project title
Proyer Playfulness in adults: Its definition, basic structure and measurement issues
Here, there and everywhere? A multi-national project on gelotophobia, the fear of being laughed at
Proyer Ruch Positive Interventions: Empirical studies on enhancing satisfaction with life
Ruch Incorporating laughter into human-avatar interactions: Research and evaluation (ILHAIRE)
The role of positive psychological traits in overcoming vulnerability: life course perspectives
Humor and satisfaction with life
Ruch Proyer Positive Psychology and the military: Virtues and values in the Swiss armed forces
Completed research projects
Project leader Project title
Beermann Ruch Humour and virtues
Brutsche Ruch Effects of laughter on hyperinflation in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease
Harzer Ruch Positive Psychology traits in different occupational groups
The role of character strengths at work
Hempelmann Ruch A linguistic analysis of perceived and produced humor
Huber Ruch Encoding and decoding of different types of laughter: A FACS-based study with actors
Platt Dispositions to being laughed at and ridicule and aging
Proyer Ruch Can character strengths be trained?
Reactions towards the laughter by others: On gelotophobes, gelotophiles, and katagelasticists
GELOPH and PhoPhiKat: Adaptations of scales to different cultures
Ruch Appreciation of beauty and excellence as a strength of character: Structural model, assessment and relation to positive emotions.
Cheerfulness as state and trait and enjoyment: Causes, correlates, and consequences
Humor appreciation and personality: The 3 WD studies
Fifty years of Eysenck personality scales: A comprehensive psychometric analysis of the PEN-System
Assessment of mission orientation in pilots and its correlation with personality
Humorous interactions in hospitals and homes
Assessment of strength of character: German adaptation of the VIA-IS
The duchenne display as a mediator between humor and pain tolerance
Cortical regions selective for cognitive, affective, and volitional components of humor, smiling and laughter
Personality Profiles of Cultures: Informant Ratings of Individuals and Nations
Ruch Beermann Character strength and virtues, ways of life, and life satisfaction
Ruch Hempelmann The ontology of humor: Psychological and linguistic foundations
Ruch Proyer Gelotophobia (the fear of being laughed at): Assessment and application
The joyful face may hide an evil mind: Individual differences in fearing laughter
Humor among the elderly
Ruch Proyer Harzer Orientations to happiness: What makes a happy life?
Ruch Weber Assessment of character strengths among adolescents: German adaptation of the VIA-Youth
Toggweiler Ruch Vocational interests and the PEN system of personality
© Universität Zürich | 01.10.2013 | Impressum
