
Prof. Dr.

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Fakultäten » Medizinische Fakultät » Universitätsklinik Balgrist und Schweizerisches Paraplegikerzentrum » Orthopädie » Prof. Dr.

Current research projects
Project leader Project title
Aguirre Transcutaneous continuous carbon dioxide tension monitoring during combined regional and conscious sedation in patients undergoing shoulder surgery
Betz Clinical and radiological outcome after vastus lateralis transfer
Blumenthal Influence of a Femoral Nerve Catheter on decreased Quadriceps Muscle Strength following TKA
Erschbamer Clinical and radiological postoperative progress control of tumor endoprosthesis
Espinosa Anterior double plating vs. four screw arthrodesis – a biomechanical comparison of compression and pressure distribution
Farshad Continuous Musculotendinous traction plus pharmacological muscle stimulation using anabolic steroids and IGF to reverse structural muscle changes induced by tendon tear.
Pain as a confounding factor for shoulder strength
Gerber Der Wert des zusätzlichen Latissimus dorsi Transfers bei inversen Schultertotalprothesen für Patienten mit schwerem, funktionellen Aussenrotationsdefizit
Müller Klinical and radiological outcome 5 years after implantation of a total hip replacement of the Quadra/Versafit System (by Medacta International SA)
Rahm Transossäre vs. transtendinöse Technik der Achillessehnenaugmentation mittels Flexor hallucis longus Sehnentransfer in der Behandlung chronischer Achilleserkrankungen
Schallberger Arthroscopic Repair of Isolated Subscapularis Tears: Clinical Outcome and Structural Integrity
Wieser Risk of Implant-associated Joint Infection after Total Hip Replacement in Patients with the History of or the Current Abuse of “hard” Drugs
Zingg Prospektive, randomisierte Studie zur Evaluation der arthroskopischen und offenen Behandlung des femoroacetabulären Impingements der Hüfte
Completed research projects
Project leader Project title
Allenspach Osteoarthritis-Risiko (Arthroserisiko) bei Sportkletterern
Blumenthal Prä- und postoperative Patientenbefragung im Zusammenhang mit peripheren Regionalanästhesien
Böni Prospektiv randomisierter Vergleich der Wundbehandlung chronischer Ulcera mit zwei unterschiedlichen
Boeni Paleopathology
History of Orthopaedics
Bohnert Arthoscopic isolated supraspinatus tendon repair in patients under 50 years of age. Full restoration of abduction strength?
Boos Aktivation and Inhibition of Matrix degrading enzymes during disc degeneration
Morphologic and molecular investigation of discal inflammatory mechanisms as source of disc degenera
Makroskopische Beurteilung der Bewegungssegmente der LWS in verschiedenen Altersstufen
Borgeat Prospective evaluation of infectious complications in peripheral nerve catheters
Patient-controlled interscalene analgesia (PCIA) with 0.2% ropivacaine versus 0.3% ropivacaine after major open shoulder surgery: the effects on postoperative analgesia and motor function
Ropivacaine decreases inflammation in experimental endotoxin-induced lung injury in the rat
Double epidural catheter with ropivacaine versus intravenous morphine for postoperative analgesia following scoliosis correction with a ventral approach
Colonisation rate of preoperatively placed peripheral nerve catheters
Risk of nerve damage following total knee arthroplasty: influence of femoral nerve catheter
Controlled in vivo validation of “HemoCue Plasma Low Hb System” in cell saver solution
Perioperative oral opioid consumption with controlled-release oxycodone (to reduce postoperative intravenous morphine consumption)
Perioperative oral opioid medication with controlled-release oxycodone to reduce postoperative intra
Controlled in vivo validation for the reliability of the measurement of free hemoglobin concentratio
Postoperative assessement of perineural cathethers (= PNC)
Does continuous femoral blockade in combination with continuous popliteal blockade improve analgesia after major ankle surgery?
Patient-controlled double epidural catheter technique with ropivacaine
Bouaicha Early Procalcitonin serum level after 1) minimal invasive hip 2) total knee and 3) total shoulder-replacement surgery
Brucker Influence of Test Temperature on Fixation Strenght of All-Inside Repair Meniscus Repair Devices and Conventional Suture Technique
Brunner Effects of aging on muscle type II fibers – a systematic literature review.
AS and heart abnormalities: do cardiac conduction disorders, valve regurgitations and diastolilc dysfunction occure more often in male patients with diagnosed AS for over 15 years than in normal population?
Non-operative treatment of low back pain
Postoperative Rehabilitation
The effect of asymmetrical weight training on paraspinal muscle activity in scoliosis
Dambacher Discrimination between fast- and slow-bone-loser patients and the consequences for the prophylaxis and treatment of osteoporsis.
NOP-Study (Influence of nitrogen monoxide on the bone metabolism in humans)
Djahangiri Rotator Cuff Repair or debridement alone in patients older than 70 years. An analysis of 42 patients
Dora Abductor Tendons and Muscles assessed at MR Imaging after THR: conventional vs. MIS approach
Wirkung von Kreatin auf Knochenzellen von Knochen mit Osteoporose und Knochen ohne Osteoporose
Dumont Assessment of axial rotational alignement of radius and ulna
Dumont Werner Reconstruction of clavicle nonunion with large bony defect with vascularized rib transfer: anatomical study and case report.
Espinosa Der Spontanverlauf von osteochondralen Läsionen am Talus
Exner Fetal Anatomy of Club Feet
Determination of stress distribution along a diaphysial ‘endlock’ stem with varying fixation length
Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study – COSS 96
EUROpean Ewing Tumour Working Initiative National Groups (Euro-EWING 99)
Gait analysis in the normal child at early walking compared to club feet
Navigierte Biopsie-Systeme
Perthes-Studie 2002: Bildgebung bei M. Perthes
Allograft / prosthetic composite reconstruction for malignant bone tumors of the proximal humerus
Lengthening of congenital short femur (PFFD) using a hybrid fixateur system incl. the lower leg but
Farshad Tendon lenthening: development of a new technique
Biologic resurfacing of the glenoid: new concepts
Do anabolic steroids prevent deterioration in retracting musculotendineous units? An experimental study.
Behaviour of chronically retracted tendon after single stage or staged repair following continuous m
Cost effectiveness of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Revision Reverse Total Shoulder Prosthesis
Determinants leading to a high citation frequency – Musculoskeletal disorders as example
Favre Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty with Latissimus Dorsi Transfer: A Biomechanical Study
A finite element model analysis of different distal metatarsal osteotomies in hallux valgus treatm.
Fuchs Molecular Mechanisms of Metastasis in Osteosarcoma
Identification of Molecular Markers Mediating Fatty Infiltration of Rotator Cuff Muscles after Tendon Rupture
Gerber Imaging in Orthopaedics: evaluation / documentation
Virtual reconstruction of fractured proximal humerus
Highly reproducible measurement of implant wear in orthopedics
Highly reproducible detection of implant migration in orthopedic surgery
Conservative treatment of displaced glenoid rim fractures
Outcome of shoulder arthroplasty after posttraumatic arthritis
Conservative treatment of displaced glenoid rim fractures
Detection of insufficieny of supraspinatus partial tear
Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial of Computer-Aided Open Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy with and wi
The predictive value of contralateral rotator cuff disease for structural outcome of the rotator cuff repair
Clinical Relevance of rotator cuff status on outcome of the Delta III reverse-ball-and socket total
Deltopectoraler versus superolateraler Zugang für die Implantation einer inversen Schultertotalprothese
Hatz Romero Anterior knee pain in mobile bearing total knee arthroplasty
Helmy Open reduction and internal fixation of the posterior malleolus with a posterior plate by a postero
Hodler Routine proton spectroscopy in orthopedic imaging
Softcopy versus hardcopy reading of MRI of the knee
Subscapular bursography in the management of patients with atypical shoulder pain
Percutaneous vertebroplasty
The MR appearance of the alaria ligaments in asymptomatic volunteers.
Datenerhebung Sicherheit Magnevist 2mmol
MR-Bildgebung bei Schleudertrauma
Huber Mittelfristige Ergebnisse nach offener Reposition und Fixation der Epiphyse bei der Epiphysiolysis capitis femoris über eine chirurgische Hüftluxation
Jacob Biomechanics of the tarso-metatarsal joints, especially that of the 1st ray
Determination of force sharing among some muscles of the shoulder joint in equilibrating an external force acting on the hand while maintaining stability of the joint
Determination of lever arm lengths and relationship of turning moments for some muscles of the shoulder joint for various rotational positions of the latter.
Pressure and force distribution under the normal foot during the push-off phase in gait
Forces acting in the forefoot during normal gait
On the stabilizing effect of the muscles of the rotator cuff in opposing dislocation caused by forces acting parallel to the glenoid surface
Jacob Exner Determination of stress distribution along a diaphyseal ‘Endlock’ stem with varying fixation length.
Jankauskas Complications after the Latarjet procedure for the treatment of anterior shoulder instability in patients older than 45 years of age
Keller Clinical predictors for Rotator cuff fatty infiltration
Klammer Prospective Randomized Outcome Study of K-Wire Fixation in Lesser Toe Surgery
Kleinert Autologous retransfusion of filtered shed blood versus closed suction wound drainage versus nondrainage after MIS total hip arthroplasty: a prospective randomized trial
Outcome nach Rekonstruktionen komplexer Bandverletzungen am Knie inkl. Ersatz des hinteren Kreuzbandes
Koch Operative Technik mit ersten klinisch-radiologischen Resultaten nach Rekonstruktion des medialen Seitenbandes mittels Semitendinosussehne
Kühnel Der musculus flexor hallucis longus bei Patienten mit Hallux Rigidus. Eine prospektive klinisch-radiologische Kohortenstudie The flexor hallucis longus muscle in patients with hallux rigidus. A prospective clinical-radiological cohort study.
Kuehnel Validierung des Bildverstärkers als Ersatz des intraoprativen Beckenübersichtsbildes zur intraoperativen Beurteilung der azetabulären Orientierung während der periacetabulären Osteotomie. Liefert das Bildverstärker-Bild dieselbe Information?
Effect of experimental paralysis of the infraspinatus muscle on cranial humeral head migration in patients with isolated supraspinatus tendon tears
Leonardi Frühe postoperative Magnetresonanz-Untersuchung nach Dekompressionsfensterung, Dekompressionshemilaminektomie und Dekompressionslaminektomie bei Patienten mit Spinalstenose
ATI355: A multi-center, open-label, cohort study to assess feasibility, acute safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of 4 dose regimens of continuous intrathecal ATI355 infusion in acute spinal cord injury paraplegic patients.
Maquieira Operative oder konservative Behandlung von Frakturen langer Röhrenknochen bei Patienten mit einer Rü
Michel Hodler CT guided biopsy of end plates in suspected spondylodiscitis
Moor Outcome after delayed Axillary Nerve Reconstruction with Interposition of Suralis Nerve Graft
Nagy Hand prosthesis
Results after corrective osteotomy for diaphyseal malunion of the forearm
Nerlich Boos Poteolytic degradation of human lumbar intervertebral discs during degeneration and its potential therapeutic inhibition
Nötzli Labrum function
Schenkelhalstaille für die Bedeutung der Arthrose an den Hüften
nothdurft radiologic evaluation of ankle prosthesis
Nyffeler Influence of glenoid version on loading pattern of glenoid components
Nyffeler Werner Biomechanical relevance of glenoid component positioning in the reversed Delta III total shoulder prosthesis
Analysis of a retrieved Delta III total shoulder prosthesis
Pfirrmann MR imaging of painful hip prosthesis
Proton Spectroscopy of Joint Fluids
MR imaging of femoroacetabular impingement
MR imaging of distal radioulnar joint – the extensor carpi ulnaris.
Proton Spectroscopy of Rotator Cuff Muscles – Quantification of Fatty Atrophy
Ramseier Allograft reconstruction for malignant bone tumors in the growing child
Ruckstuhl Correlation of psychomotor findings and the ability to partially weight-bear
Ruehli Swiss Mummy Project
Saupe Influence of structural changes of the rotator cuff on the acromiohumeral distance
Schmid Morphological Signs to Predict the Outcome of Cervical Facet Joint Blocks
Cartilage lesions in the wrist – CT Arthrography vs. MRI
MR imaging of articular cartilage, MEDIC versus 3D DESS imaging
Proton spectroscopy of the erector spinae
Clinical MR imaging in the assessment of early cartilage damage in the hip joint.
Schmitt MRI-morphology of symptomatic recurrent interdigital neuritis (Morton’s neuroma)
Schmutz Identification of marker genes for shoulder muscle degeneration after rotator cuff ruptures using mi
Schneeberger Arthroscopic repair technique of rotator cuff tears with modified Mason-Allen stiches and suture anchors.
Influence of radial head prosthesis and coronoid for posteriolateral rotatory instability
Rotator cuff fixation techniques
The microvascular pattern of the origin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon
Schneider Gerber Clinical outcome after operative treatment of nonunions of the proximal humerus
Bony refixation of the deltoid muscle in the superolateral approach for open repair of the rotator cuff, clinical and MRI follow-up
Schoettle Romero Outcome after trochleaplasty for patellar instability due to trochlear dysplasia
Stabilisation of the patella by reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral structures.
Schoettle Zanetti Romero MRI versus CT for measurement of the tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distance
Scucs Exner Sonographic Screening for hip dysplasia in the newborn in Switzerland
Simovich Impact of metaglen positioning on glenoid notching and osteophyte formation
Strobel Predictors for the effects of imaging guided ac joint injections
Prediction of the effect of cervical nerve root blocks
THI versus standard ultrasonography of the shoulder
Vienne Agility Total Ankle Arthroplasty: 2-5 Year Follow-up
Prospective outcome study after Reve-L-Osteotomy of Hallux valgus with MTP angle > 35° after 2 years
2-5 Jahres-Follow-up nach primärer isolierter Subtalar-Arthrodese
Weber Long term course of Ankylosing Spondylitis, a prospective observation cohort study (SCQM AS)
full body MR imaging in AS patients
Werner Computer-based virtual arthroscopy simulator as training device – correlation of clinical experience and virtual results.
The Radiographic and Clinical Outcome of a Cemented, Threaded, Pegged Glenoid Component.
Total shoulder arthroplasty for primary osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and post-instability arthritis. Results of the Anatomical Shoulder.
Correlation of acromio-humeral distance measurement on conventional x-ray and MRI.
Treatment of painful shoulder dysfunction caused by irreparable rotator cuff tear with the Delta III reversed ball-and-socket prosthesis
Effect of experimental suprascapular nerve block on active glenohumeral translations, subacromial pressure and muscle force in vivo.
Biomechanical analysis of translations and rotations of the subluxed humeral head caused by different parts of the M. subscapularis.
Role of subscapularis following latissimus dorsi transfer for irreparable cuff tears – biomechanical analysis
Perforations of Camera Covers After Arthroscopic Surgery
Combined intra- and extraarticular arthroscopic management of entrappment neuropathy of the inferior branch of the suprascapular nerve by a periglenoidal ganglion cyst.
Biomechanical comparison of humeral head centration effect after different pectoralis major transfer techniques for irreparable tears of the M subscapularis.
Scapula Dyskinesie Programm und Psychomotorik
Uncemented massive tumor prosthesis with short length fixation (endlock).
Reconstruction of clavicle nonunion with large bony defect with vascularized rib transfer
Zanetti Fatigue fracture versus osteonecrosis of the knee
MR Imaging of the ankle tendons
Symptomatic versus asymptomatic knees- MR imaging
Tendinopathy of the Achilles tendon: color doppler sonography versus symtpoms
Zingg Hemophilic Knee Arthropathy – Long-Term Outcome after TKR
Clinical Outcome and Morphological MRI Changes after Trochleoplasty in Trochlear Dysplastic Knees
Intertester Reliability of Classifying Patients with Neural Tissue Tests
Zubler MR arthrography in calcific tendinitis of the supraspinatus tendon
© Universität Zürich | 01.06.2011 | Impressum
